Documentary film-maker Joe Gilbert is obsessed with brutalist buildings and postwar architecture. In a series of short films he's catalogued this obsession in great detail. Usually shot in black and white, as a series of still lives with a soundtrack of interviews with residents or experts, these films are an instantly recognisable body of work. Here's a small selection.
There's his Aylesbury estate film, which unusually for him uses a rather painterly palatte of washed out colour, and glitchy editing and is probably my favourite of his works.
AYLESBURY from Joe Gilbert on Vimeo.
Here's a film on the threatened Central Hill estate in Crystal Palace, made with the Twentieth Century Society.
Hollamby's Hill from Joe Gilbert on Vimeo.
The Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in Camden is shot as a split screen affair.
ziggurat from Joe Gilbert on Vimeo.
And one on the last days of Robin Hood Gardens is a rather depressing affair.
Streets in the Sky from Joe Gilbert on Vimeo.